Warning! Your child may be sleep deprived!

Warning! Your child may be sleep deprived!

Did you know that from 9 months to 9 years of age, your child needs a minimum of 11 (yes ELEVEN) hours of sleep?So, it’s time for you to wake up to the facts: 90% of those problems you have with your kids that have fancy psychiatric names are actually a...


“Dear Mom, I know that reading this note will make you sad because I am saying goodbye to you and dad for a while. I tried to tell you so many times that I was unhappy and I needed your help but somehow I just couldn’t get through to you. You tried your...

Choose your “hard”

A friend of mine posted up pictures of herself before and after losing 165 pounds of fat. There was a blizzard of immediate responses to her post, the vast majority of which were along the lines of, “How did you do it?” And, “What is your...