Index Introduction: Recognizing Unique Human Potential AI Personalization: A Game-Changer Emotional Intelligence and Engagement Global Examples of AI in Action Addressing...
What they missed in school! Cooking skills!
What they missed in school is learning basic cooking skills. There are some subjects that are not optional such as reading, writing and arithmetic. But eating is not optional either, so learning the basics of cooking and being healthy should be taught at young age.
How to Become Super Smart Without Trying
In how to become super smart without trying, we give you the solutions to become smarter. Looking up words you don’t understand is key to becoming smarter. Not looking them up and understanding them is basically suicide and causes stupidity!
20 Famous People Who Use Dictionaries
Here we emphasize the use of dictionaries to achieve greatness. These famous people use dictionaries to achieve their goals.
5 Proven Factors That Boost Your Study Productivity Today
When studying it is important to eliminate distractions. Here are a number of recommendations to help boost your study productivity.
10 Main Reasons Why People Like AI
10 Main Reasons Why People Like AI Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part...
Gamification in Homeschooling: 8 reasons.
Plus points of gamification in educational apps. This is an article written by AI and brings up some good points. It has not been edited. Although it is called Gamification in Homeschooling, the idea of using Games to educate applies to all educational situations.
Why am I studying this? First question to ask before starting to study any subject!
Why it is important that the student ask this question: Why am I studying this? Are we requiring our students to learn subjects that have little or no use in their future? When a student knows the answer, he/she will be more motivated to learn it. Don’t waste time on useless subjects or materials that do not contribute.
Why you got to love ChatGPT!
Why I frequently prefer ChatGPT over Google. Google versus ChatGPT.
How to Succeed at Homeschooling Your Child
Homeschooling can be a rewarding experience for both parents and children, offering flexibility,...
Self Confidence
How study affects Self Confidence.