
Find your child’s learning bubble!

We locate, test and report on the best, most effective children’s learning Apps and Resources — gathered in ONE PLACE for all ages, subjects and learning levels with Smart Bubblegum’s Trusted Search Library.

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children benefits

• Catch up & get ahead — No wasted time trying ineffective learning tools. These apps work.

• Advance their learning — Whether they’ve fallen behind or are seeking more challenge in subjects they love, they’ll find exactly what they need at Smart Bubblegum.

• Get better grades — If your children are attending school online or in a hybrid arrangement, they’re likely missing the enrichment they’d get to boost their performance. Our site can help.

• Explore their interests — They’ll get access to resources in every subject, available all the time — CURRENT STATS HERE.

And remember, these apps are fun!
Your kids will play more and get smarter!

parent benefits

• Save time — No more slogging through endless apps looking for the best ones. We’ve already vetted them for you.

• Save money — You won’t waste money on buggy, ineffective or ad-filled apps. Our reviews ensure that your kids are using the best of the best.

• Get peace of mind — Know that your child is getting precisely what he or she needs to enhance learning, expand interests and accelerate skill acquisition.

• Get information — Our parent resources will help you make better learning decisions for your kids.

And remember, these apps are fun!
Your kids will play more and get smarter!

Parents are saying


Play more, get smarter.

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